Thursday, December 20, 2007

Geography of Ancient Greece

The geography of Ancient Greece is the cause city-states. Their is two types of geography In Ancient Greece.
1. The Sea which helped them trade with other places to get natural resources.
2. The Land: Mountains + the Sea that separated Greece into separte city-states.
In Ancient Greece theres three types of Geographic terms.
1. Peninsula: Piece of land surrounded by water on three sides.
2. Archipelago: A group of islands.
3. Isthmus: A narrow strip of land that connects 2 larger pieces of land.

Now You should be able to answer the following questions:
1. Which geographic feature caused Ancient Greece to become into city-states?
a) Peninsula
b) Belief systems
c) Mountain + Sea
d) Archipelago

By: Dalvin Delarosa

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Athens Vs. Sparta

If you like the freedom of speech, then Athens will have been the right place for you. But if you are concerned with military service Sparta was the right place for you. In Athens they value individuals and are concerned with education. In Sparta they value groups and the government is an oligarchy. So which one you think is the right one for you?

· Concerned with education + arts.
· Values individuals
· Government is a democracy
· Concerned with military service.
· Values group.
· Government is an oligarchy

Answers the following questions:
1. Who were concerned more with Education?
2. Who was concerned more with Military service?
a) Sparta

By: Johnny Rodriguez

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Golden Age of Ancient Greece

The golden age was a time of peace and prosperity in Ancient Greece. Usually new inventions or ideas, achievements in art and architecture. This happen to Ancient Greece for 50 years ( from 477 to 431 B.C.), During this time Pericles ruled. He had 3 policies they were:
1)Strengthen Democracy:
Pericles paid government workers
2)Strengthen Athenian Empire
Pericles controls Delian league (controls other city states)
3)Glority Athens
Had artist architects to create art.

Now that you have read this you should know the following questions:

What is a Golden Age?
a) prosperity and peace
b) natural disaster
c) war
Who ruled during the Ancient Greece Golden Age?

What did he do during this time period?
a)Promote slavery
b)Sell gold
c)Strengthen Democracy,Strengthen Athenian Empire,Glority Athens